Peer Organizations

Learn more about other organizations sharing the same passions and goals as the SCRA

Northumberland County Conservation District

The NCCD, formed in 1949 under the Conservation District Law, is a subdivision of state government and is one of 66 Conservation Districts throughout the state of Pennsylvania. The purpose of the Conservation District is to promote the protection, maintenance, improvement, and wise use of the land, water, and other natural resources.

Sierra Club PA

Otzinachson (ahtsinahkson) is a regional group of the Sierra Club and currently has approximately 800 members. The group encompasses an eleven county area of Clinton, Columbia, Lycoming, Northumberland, Snyder, Tioga, Union and parts of Bradford and Sullivan counties. Inspired by nature, the Otzinachson works to protect our communities and the earth through environmental advocacy and education.

Faith Alliance for Revitalization

FAR is a multi-faith, multi-agency, and multi-stakeholder collaborative partnership working to rebuild and revitalize the City of Shamokin and the surrounding communities.

Shamokin Community Gardens

Shamokin Community Gardens strives to instill pride in our neighborhoods by beautifying public spaces through the efforts of dedicated community volunteers

Little Shamokin Creek Watershed Association

The LSCWA was formed in 2002 and has held annual stream cleanups, conducted monthly water monitoring & completed several watershed assessments with the development of restoration plans.  The association has also completed many bank stabilization projects for the community.  Workshops concerning stream side management have also been on our schedule of activities.  LSCWA is committed to the long term protection & enhancement of the Little Shamokin Creek Watershed for the social & economic benefits of its land-owners, managers & users.

West Virginia Mine Drainage Task Force

Formed in 1978 and assigned to investigate the acid mine drainage (AMD) problem associated with surface mining in central West Virginia. Since then, the Task Force has broadened its scope to include areas outside of West Virginia with many diverse mine drainage issues. Task Force members represent the mining industry, regulators, private consultants, and scientists. The objectives of the Task Force are to keep current on new developments in mine drainage research, treatment and control practices, and to present this information at annual symposia. Task Force Symposia have been held every year since 1980.

Eastern PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation

EPCAMR was formed in 1995 by concerned conservation districts and represents a coalition of watershed organizations and reclamation partners. Members range from individuals, to the active anthracite mining industry and co-generation power plants, to non-profit organizations, 16 county conservation districts and other organizations in the anthracite and bituminous coal region of eastern Pennsylvania that are involved with abandoned mine reclamation issues.

FAR Better Together

FAR Better Together (FBT) formed in February 2020 as a result of the first Shamokin Revitalization workshop under our parent organization FAR (Faith Alliance for Revitalization).  Our goal is to bring together divergent groups, including youth, to achieve common community goals.